Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Habitat Destruction

The CrabCakes have an increasingly difficult time finding food, shelter, and land. In September of 2011 it was estimated that 70% of CrabCake habitat has been destroyed. Voice your opinions in the coming election!


  1. This all depends on whether or not you'd rather eat a crab cake or be friends with one.

  2. I have to admit, I did once enjoy eating a hot, crispy CrabCake. However, as I furthered my pre-veterinary education and learned more about their complex neuroanatomy and ability to form strong emotional attachments with humans, I could no longer condone eating such a gentle, loving creature. I am contemplating starting a new initiative within the veterinary community, somewhat akin to the No More Homeless Pets campaign: No More Deep-Fried CrabCakes. I hope to raise awareness among all sectors of society, and rescue the many CrabCakes perishing in restaurants daily, helping them to find safe, loving homes.

  3. Of course, those homes will have to be in refrigerators, otherwise the threat to CrabCakes will be not from human ingestion, but from bacterial and fungal destruction. We have had to euthanize fungally-infected CrabCakes at the Family Pet Hospital, and let me tell you, a CrabCake that has NOT been properly refrigerated looks more like a very tiny Pomeranian. Only with fluffy bluish-green mold instead of soft fur. A tragic, heartbreaking fate for any 'Cake.

  4. Thank you for your concern and willingness to get involved Emily. I wonder if building refrigerated living quarters will extend their lifespan to a week or more, rather than the 2 days they currently enjoy.
