Tuesday, March 20, 2012

CrabCake Coalition

Helping save the CrabCakes is now not only possible, but easy! Every penny the CrabCake Coalition earns goes directly to protecting the habitat of the CrabCake and prosecuting poachers. To learn more call 1-800-sav-crab.

Free-Range vs. Caged

So why is it so much better for Crab Cakes to be raised free-range instead of grown in cages?

The answer is simple: sugar content is higher in Crab Cakes who enjoy life. While Crab Cakes are endangered, the public is still legally allowed to eat them, as long as they are either hunted or raised by authorized sources. It is also evident that cruelty to Crab Cakes is rampant in caged facilities. We do not condone eating such Crab Cakes.

Admittedly it is better not to encourage the harvesting of Crab Cakes, but if you are going to eat them, Free-Range is best.

Habitat Destruction

The CrabCakes have an increasingly difficult time finding food, shelter, and land. In September of 2011 it was estimated that 70% of CrabCake habitat has been destroyed. Voice your opinions in the coming election!